People talk about how terrible it is to bully or be bullied. The thing is about bullying is it makes the victim feel like shit, worthless crap, and something happened today that I want to point out is exactly the same thing as bullying. And there's got to be some kind of punishment worthy of demonstrating just how bad it is to the perpetrators of this heinous activity. It's the same thing as bullying, it's a very specific kind of bullying though, and it's brutal and vicious, and I really think that there should be some kind of consequence for it in the legal system. Some kind of mark you get, or social stigma, or some kind of punishment to fit the crime. And I really think it should be a crime. It really should be a crime to be a horrible person.
There's a thing called Catfishing, but consider exactly what that means. You are pretending to be someone or something you aren't, for your own amusement, and you are initiating a relationship under these false pretenses perpetrating this act from the safe confines of internet anonymity. There's all kinds of Catfishes. There's guys pretending to be girls, girls pretending to be a different kind of girl, and scammers across the globe pretending to be sexy willing vixens in exchange for your credit card numbers.
How is this abuse of hope any different from bullying? You're stepping into a role, filling someone with hope that finally, finally there's someone out there that understands them, someone that will truly accept them exactly how they are, and they start to believe in themselves. They start to think, hey, there's really someone out there for everyone, and then the reality comes in a sharp dose when it comes time to meet in person. Something always comes up, you're pretending to be a thing, but you aren't that thing, and this isn't the same as 'role play'. Role play is a kind of kink where both parties are aware that the reality is both of you are someone else entirely. You each take on a role, and act it out as part of a fantasy. But you're both aware that it's 'role play'. it's not real, it's not reality, and when one party is deceiving the other party, when one person pretends to be the answer to all the prayers of the other, but when reality kicks in, how is this any different from bullying?
I've found there are a lot of terrible people in the world. A lot of terrible people on the internet, and over the years I've learned to never give out any of my personal contact info until I've met someone in person, and learned that they are in fact who and what they say they are. Consider domestic abuse. it's in the same kind of bullshit thing as this subject, it's the abuse of hope, but it comes in as one party stepping into the role of being the kind benefactor, and when they have their victim safely in their trap, they scooby doo into the abusive piece of shit they really are. You've turned their hope for the good person you pretended to be into a trap to keep them entangled for a long long time.
But the people that pretend to be something they aren't, and then ghost their victim when the pieces stop adding up, you are the worst kind of person in the world. Go find a role play group, perpetrate your sinister plans on people that know what they are signing up for. Springing that shit on the unaware public...
And if you're beautiful on the outside, and you know you're beautiful Vanity Smurf, you're a real piece of work on the inside. If you're only beautiful on the outside, eventually it will fade to reflect who you really are. So be beautiful on the inside. Stop getting peoples hopes up, and destroying them for your own amusement. That makes you even uglier on the inside. If you're gonna step up and give out hope to the hopeless, don't do it in such a dirty way, because it damages your personality if you're ok with that kind of behavior. Follow through, be all the things you said you are, be the hope for another person, and teach them how to believe in themselves.
Only in service to life can we find meaning in our own.
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